
Data Privacy

Implement technologies and GDPR workflows that ensure your internal policies, information governance, data privacy, and cyber security practices can adapt to new and evolving regulations. 

Centralized Data Management

Policy and regulation review: Perform a high-level policy review and interview relevant stakeholders to get an understanding of the organization's stance on data privacy regulations.

Data mapping: Determine what kind of data the organization has, where it is stored, how it's used, and how policies relate to it.

Data analysis: Deploy data analysts with the most appropriate tools to run further analyses that identify problem areas like PII and security protection.

Vulnerability assessment: Once it's been established what data is held and where, verify technical controls and security, and add intrusion protection systems to the data map.

Remediation: Build a compliance plan including internal workflows or altering data storage locations, security controls, IT environments, or third-party agreements.

Ongoing compliance audit: Ensure there is a robust review and audit program in place so that compliance develops and grows with both the organization and the GDPR.

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