Deploy Reef Stream to export productions and saved searches, and import processed datasets, 80% faster than when using traditional tools.
Reef Stream distributes data import and export jobs across multiple machines to significantly reduce the time required to export productions and saved searches, and to import processed data sets. Relativity users can deploy multiple computers on a single job to cut the time to export productions and saved searches to a fraction of what traditional tools can achieve.
A dataset with 500,000 pages used to take half a day to export—Reef Stream can get it done in under an hour. A second request production with one million pages used to take multiple days to export—Reef Stream can turn it around within the same day. 300,000 pages with mixed color as well as black and white images can be loaded and indexed for review within 90-minutes.

Reef Stream enables users to:
- Deploy multiple computers to export a single production or saved search from Relativity.
- Meet complex production requirements, including renaming field headers and redacting metadata contents on the fly.
- Output a range of production specs with minimal to zero post-export manipulation.
- Customize exports and automatically save settings to decrease operator burden and error rates.
- Generate load files first allowing users to work on post-export manipulations and quality control before the natives, text, and images have finished exporting.
- Resume exports seamlessly in the event of network outages

Reef Stream enables users to:
- Import data to Relativity for review exponentially faster than any other tool.
- Facilitate distributed loading and consistent customization of import settings.
- Process metadata first, then text, then natives for faster indexing.
- Bypass text auditing and skip existing natives on overlays.
- Recognize native and text link fields automatically.
- Map one load file field to multiple Relativity fields.
- Create new Relativity folders and fields on the fly.
- Overlay images, natives, text, and metadata on a one-to-many basis, allowing propagation of images, coding, and redactions across duplicative documents.