

Reef Claims provides a competitive edge by eliminating burdensome manual challenges common with mass tort claims. Reef Claims is focused solely on supporting the lifecycle of mass torts, handling intake and vetting of large plaintiff groups as well as efficiently collecting and managing the thousands of documents and clients associated with these cases.

Seamless TrackingCalculate DamagesAutomated EmailsCustom Reporting

Automated Pre-Screening of Claimants
Effortlessly determine claimant eligibility with our web-based portal’s built-in criteria.

Easy Collection and Tracking of Documents
Automatically collect, manage, and organize mass amounts of claimant documentation.

Advanced Case Management Capabilities
Leverage industry-leading software to enhance your reports, identify commonalities across claims, search/redact/produce documents with ease, and more.

Simplified Management of Client Communication
Manage and send approvals, document requests, and case updates with just a few clicks—a huge time and cost saving.

Unrivalled Reporting and Valuation Functionality
Gain advanced insights into your claims with the ability to generate custom searches and visual reports including damage valuations for individuals and entire claims.

Additional Offerings
Our additional offerings include 24/7 call center support and streamlined services such as record collection & review, lead generation & SEO, and case management support for optimized operations and enhanced customer engagement.

Optimize your legal strategy with expert support


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