Thank You, National Law Journal Readers

We’re humbled and honored that you thought so highly of us as to vote us #1 in 9 categories.

#1 End-To-End E-Discovery Provider

#1 End-To-End Litigation Consulting Firm

#1 Technology Assisted Review E-Discovery Solution

#1 Managed E-Discovery & Litigation Support Service Provider

#1 Managed Document Review

#1 Information/Document Management Provider

#1 Court Reporting/Deposition Service Provider

#1 Forensic Experts

#1 Legal/Litigation Support Staffing Agency
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To become the world’s largest provider of language and technology solutions, we’ve built a global team of legal experts and work tirelessly to provide award-winning e-discovery, foreign language, and legal software solutions.


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Top Provider in Legal Support Services

We prioritize understanding the linguistic composition and technical requirements of your data.


“The highest compliment we can receive is the endorsement of our customers. Being selected by ALM readers as winners in nine categories is a significant accomplishment.” - Phil Shawe, TransPerfect President and CEO

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1250 Broadway, 7th Fl
New York, NY 10001
Phone: +1 212 689 5555


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London, EC3N 1AH
Phone: +44 20 7061 2000


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Hong Kong

33 Lockhart Rd, 19th Fl
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2292 9900


Investigate, retain, and dispose of enterprise data with 50% greater efficiency.

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